KPMG Advisory and Ackinas work together in Working Capital and Cash optimization.
Working Capital is increasingly a top three priority for many businesses; leading practitioners are applying a cash lens to support complex transformation and growth programs which provide the opportunity to self-fund change.
Because technology enables optimization, KPMG and Ackinas entered into a business relationship agreement for the execution of end-to-end cash and working capital optimization projects.
KPMG is the trusted advisor to help companies to move beyond simple cash management and focus on dynamic working capital management to really transform an organization.
Ackinas provides tools to support cash and working capital optimization and continuous improvement. These tools will analyze financial and operational data that will help to quickly understand the improvement opportunities and show the effect of implemented improvements through dynamic KPI’s and dashboards.
Because cash and working capital improvement is much about Working Capital Process optimisation, process mining technology assists in analyzing the working capital business processes. Using the flexibility that digital offers, it can be a tool to allow a wide range of business objectives to be achieved – and for those objectives to be easily changed as priorities change.
KPMG provides leading working capital improvement practices and thought leadership such as this is a key component of the way we work together with our clients. KPMG aims to continually develop new ideas and present them to our clients in all areas of business.
Ackinas develops and implements a range of corporate fintech solutions. The Working Capital Executive and Operational Analyzers, Cashflow Optimizer and QPR’s Process Analyzer are subject of our partnership. Together with KPMG we will continuously develop and improve our solutions to support KPMG’s methodologies.